GCC-Logo Red bags-1


Cornhole is a game in which players take turns throwing bean bags at a raised platform board with a hole in the far end. A bag in the hole scores 3 points, while one on the board scores 1 point. Play continues until a team or player reaches or exceeds the score of 21. Cornhole is played as singles or doubles. The game dates back as far as the late 1800’s and through the years variations of the game have been played like Bean Bag Toss Game, Horseshoes, Bull’s Eye and Bags. Most people play at the cottage or tailgating outside a local sports venue.



Cornhole Canada was established in 2019 to provide athletes a structured environment for all ages and all levels of play. They govern, sanction and standardize the sport, a registered not for profit organization with the Canadian government and the official sanctioning body for the sport in Canada.



Canadian Cornhole Leagues was established to grow the game of Cornhole in Canada, will market and promote all leagues in Canada under the jurisdiction of Cornhole Canada and will also keep you up to date on seasons, tournaments and important announcements.



The Guelph Cornhole Club is dedicated to providing its members with a fun and safe environment to throw bags and partake in some friendly competition. Our once a week club style format is designed to accommodate players from all walks of life who are interested in learning the fundamentals of the game and can hopefully advance to a more competitive level. The GCC has got you covered! Whether you are a casual player looking for a night out, or a more competitive player who is hoping to compete at provincial/national levels in the future. Please Join Us! 


Nick & Eric Bornino are the dedicated owners and operators of The Guelph Cornhole Club. Their passion for the game was born out of friendly competitions which took place at the family cottage. They decided to form The Guelph Cornhole Club as a place for members to socialize over some friendly competition, as they would with friends in a backyard or cottage environment. Both Nick and Eric were born in Guelph and are hoping to advance the game of cornhole locally. This club and its owners are all about community, and growing the sport at a local level from the ground up!