Orillia Cornhole Club Logo

Season Registration

THURSDAY NIGHT | Start Date -- Jan. 16th - Mar. 27th, 2025

Players must register with Cornhole Canada. This coverage is good until August 31st, 2025. Our venue and our club need you to have this to participate. Please fill out your player registration HERE


League Night Thursday –NO LEAGUE PLAY MARCH 13th

This season will be 10 weeks
Suggested PPR 6+
9 weeks of round-robin
1 week playoff bracket ( Small payouts based on numbers ) – you will have a set partner based on your seeding from the previous 9 weeks.
Your 8 highest weeks will count towards your standings.
Win = 3 points
Loss= 0 points

showing up = 1 point

(round-robin goes towards league points)



  • You will be partnered with different players each game (2vs2)
  • 4 round-robin games per night
  • DOUBLE ELIMINATION bracket (depending on time) . In the bracket you will earn Cornhole Canada points (if the hall needs to setup we may have to run single elimination bracket or make the double elimination bracket only the top 8 teams single for everyone else)


  • $150 plus HST
  • *NO REFUNDS will be issued after the start date. 

  • Incase of COVID restrictions we will first delay the season then proceed as needed after with refunds or credits.

This form is for one player registration, if you are registering more than one player please fill out the form for each player and use different email addresses.

TERMS: By submitting you agree to

Receiving league and tournament information and ongoing newsletters as well as agree to allow the Orillia Cornhole Club or any affiliates to customize advertising and send newsletters.  You can unsubscribe or email orilliacornholeclub@gmail.com for removal or information at any time. You also allow the use of any photographs and video taken during club nights or tournaments to be used for promotional purposes.